Certified resources within EU Energy Efficiency Directive
Over 1200 Swedish companies are covered by the EU Directive 2012/27/EU and Swedish law “Lag (2014:266) om energikartläggning i stora företag”. Hisland (Himec) Solution has been awarded with certified energy resources and can offer you certified consultant support.
The law on energy audit, “EKL”, aim at improving energy performance within the framework of the Energy Efficiency Directive towards large companies (definition of large companies is; minimum 250 employees and an annual turnover exceeding EUR 50 million or an annual balance sheet that exceeds EUR 43 million per year). Large companies also includes non-profit activities, which means that even public companies should count as a company.
The regulations encourage companies to develop a management system that includes requirements on conducting energy audits and propose cost-effective measures.
– In the first quarter (Q1) 2017, the first part of the required information must be reported to the Swedish Energy Agency.
Hisland (Himec) Solutions are fortunate to have experts with extensive experience in the field covering all industrial activities. With our combined team we have a deep knowledge and unique insight into how the process will be implemented and our certified energy consultants can provide relevant business services tailored for you and your unique company structure.